Spend your time on what really matters: people.
A solution that will allow you to streamline the procedures involved in requesting and processing reports and aid that social workers deal with on a daily basis. In this way, they can focus on what really characterizes their work: providing support to individuals and families. In other words, this allows them to plan their actions more efficiently and provide a better service to users.
A comprehensive social services management platform
Xiess is a web-based cloud platform that adapts to all types of devices and enables mobile working.
Unique social history
Modern design
Prompt and safe social care
Solution developed, maintained and improved by a multidisciplinary team.
It is based on a backbone / modular distribution ensuring the traceability of information both at the file and user level. It is a platform that includes not only social workers, but also the various specialized programs of grassroots social work.
- Single Social History. Traceability at file and user level. When a user changes status or file, all his information moves with him.
- Real-time information update for the base services from the different modules.
- Integration with PMH and Tax Management
- Integration with Administrative Records ManagementInteroperability with SIUEE / HSUE (Xunta de Galicia)
Recibir invitaciones y consultar documentación durante los actos
La plataforma permite que los asistentes a los distintos actos puedan recibir previamente en sus dispositivos las invitaciones, pudiendo acceder al orden del día y la documentación correspondiente, y puedan utilizar la plataforma como complemento de consulta durante la propia celebración de los actos.