Municipal area works (GTA)


Supervises the work of the municipal area on public spaces

It manages from start to finish the internal and external works carried out on public roads, incorporating control and follow-up mechanisms.


Integral management of works in the Services/Promotion area.

Integrated life cycle management through:

  • Initiation of the process/detection of the need.
  • Assignment to Management Body (internal/external – concessionaire).
  • Information from the Managing Body on the works, work units, before and after photographs, etc…
  • Return of the file to the Managing Service for validation or certification, as the case may be.

This is a platform where the different actors involved in the planning, development and closure of the actions of the different services of the promotion area interact. The service plans, prioritizes and sends to the body in charge of carrying out the work. The status of the work is updated, as well as the allocation of costs, work units, etc…


Recibir invitaciones y consultar documentación durante los actos

La plataforma permite que los asistentes a los distintos actos puedan recibir previamente en sus dispositivos las invitaciones, pudiendo acceder al orden del día y la documentación correspondiente, y puedan utilizar la plataforma como complemento de consulta durante la propia celebración de los actos.


Efficient contact and event management

Flow tree adapted to each service

Integration with the corporate records manager

Certification management for the concessionaires concerned

Management of different cost centers

Are you interested in this solution? Do not hesitate to contact us